
Starting in 2006 we offer a space for multimedia events at Berlin Alexanderplatz inside a shopping mall. we organize and host up to three events per week, most of them connected to contemporary music and graphic design with artists from all over the planet.
For the interior design we use a flexible system to change the setting of the space. 48 speakers and bass shakers inside the furniture offer sound and projection screens invite visual artists.
Nummer Titel Art Kunde Region
2012-02 Panasonic Convention Installation Vitamin-E Hamburg
2011-05 Forscherwelt installation Henkel Düsseldorf
2011-03 Surface Refinement installation Gaite Lyrique Paris
2010-09 zdf neo Fair stand Vitamin-E, ZDF BERLIN
2010-04 Black Noise video / live Pantha du Prince various
2009-12 Bunte Schokowelt installation Ritter Sport Berlin
2009-07 Pulse Interface installation biotronik Berlin
2009-01 Halbzeug Installation Club Transmediale BERLIN